Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Genre research activity: Gangster

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster"


The gangster genre, a subgenre of the criminal genre. It is one of the most iconic genres in the film industry. The gangster genre is characterized by telling stories from the point of view of the criminal, which blurs the line of morality and falls into an ambiguity that has been widely criticized throughout its history. Gangster films are developed around the wrongdoings of people, usually from low income families or immigrants, who are trying to move up in society and pursue wealth by criminal means, most of the time, breaking the morality lines. In addition, the characters rise to power they desire with a tough cruel façade while showing an ambitious aspiration for success and recognition.


The gangster genre portrays the notable figure of the modern 20th century in both speaking to a culture of strength, metropolitan space, overabundance, and own ruling. In addition, the genre portrays the protagonist as an enemy of social figures inside this setting since he is the concentration for a freedom from progressive system and from the past that society and philosophy wish to crush. One of the most iconic pictures of the gangster genre is of a strongly dressed criminal holding a weapon showing up out of the shadows with himself either outlined against a divider or tossing a shadow forward. This picture orders the gangster's troublesome status. He is a figure of a shadowy universe of wrongdoing that authentic philosophical society wishes to deny yet whose shadow falls across legitimate society's universe of fair work, control, request, and contained singularity, taking steps to overwhelm or dislodge it with his own philosophy of the joy standard, abundance, tumult, and individual self-satisfaction.

The gangster genre represents an original figure throughout the entire existence of 20th century culture, shaping the concentration for a scope of pressures that have ruled the discussions of industrialized society. These reach from the function of the person inside an undeniably defended society, the effect of metropolitan space and its relationship with the breaking talks of modernity and postmodernity, the pressure among tradition and the contemporary, the resistance among work and joy, and especially the connection among philosophy and freedom. The gangster genre frames a concentration for these strains in its portrayal of the person contrary to society and speaks to an endeavor to draw in with the reality of 20th century culture through the uprooted persona of the gangster so that, despite the fact that he speaks to worries that may seem, by all accounts, to be prevalently manly, he, as well, explains more extensive pressures and inconsistencies that append to the basic demonstration of carrying on with regular day to day existence in the modern period. What continues in this record of the gangster genre is an endeavor to see how the gangster is situated inside these pressures and inconsistencies and how crowds are pulled in to the class since it offers, in its dreams of gangster guiltiness and individual freedom, an option in contrast to living philosophically that, in the substance of the movies, gives a display of delight and freedom in any case inaccessible.


Throughout the creation of a gangster movie, the mise-en-scene is the most important thing regarding the creation of the piece. In the mise-en-scene of gangster movies, the colors that are usually utilized are dark, mostly grays and blacks, as well as reds which in most cases portray a variety of themes. Concerning the lights, the light which is commonly used is pretty low brighted. On the other hand, the setting of the gangster genre is 95 percent of the time around a metropolitan area, such as New York and Chicago. Regarding the costume and makeup, the characters’ outfits are almost all the time formal, while the makeup is based on scars and blood. Moreover, the most used props in the genre are drugs, money, cigarettes, and guns. Most of the time the storyline of the piece and its theme are tied to these props. 
In the same way, shots utilized generally inside gangster films incorporate the change of long shots to close-up shots during discourse. The camera additionally will in general move to fit all the activity onto the screen. One more shot that is utilized as often as possible in gangster movies to make anticipation is the rack concentration. There is something significant in the forefront that is in focus, at that point the camera may move the concentration to somebody in the far off foundation who might be a suspect-or the following casualty. As a rule in gangster films development is insignificant, as it adds to the tension. To shut everything down, Gangster films everything about significance. A great quantity of close-ups are utilized as they can show significance and elevate feeling


Concerning how the gangster genre is marketed, first of all it is a must to know that the target audience for the genre are males whose ages are between 15 to 24 years old. This is since the narrative and enigma of the genre is more attractive to them. Also the fact that the genre involves drugs, money, and guns has a great impact in why the genre is directed to men.
Most of the gangster posters, if not all of them, show as a main subject a formal dressed man and a gun, two fundamental props of the genre. Most of the time the colors of the poster would be dark, as well as the lightning, and in many occasions, it will not show the complete face of the subjects. In addition, the poster will show, in the background, a main characteristic of the setting. For example, if the setting is in Brooklyn, it will show the Brooklyn bridge. In the same way, the facial expressions that the people in the poster have, are mostly serious, just as if they just committed a crime. To close up, the font used for the posters of the film are sharp fonts, this in order to show the seriousness of the piece.


Tony Montana figures out how to leave Cuba during the Mariel departure of 1980. He winds up in a Florida exile camp however his companion Manny has an exit plan for them: attempt an agreement murdering and courses of action will be made to get a green card. He's before long working for street pharmacist Frank Lopez and shows his grit when an arrangement with Colombian street pharmacists turns sour. He likewise carries another degree of viciousness to Miami. Tony is defensive of his more youthful sister however his mom comprehends his job and repudiates him. Tony is restless and needs everything nonetheless, including Frank's domain and his special lady Elvira Hancock. Once at the top be that as it may, Tony's ridiculous activities make him an objective and all that comes disintegrating down. The film uses the them of the "American Dream" to show how rise and fall of Tony Montana. His desire of going up on the society and building wealth by breaking the morals play a huge role through the movie. In addition, the mise-en-scene of the movie shows the main components. It shows, as the movie develops, how the vestment of Tony Montana turns into more into elegant style. To close up, the movie portrays the props of the genre, drugs, money, and guns.
Goodfellas tells the story of a young individual, one named Henry Hill. We could say that he was a very different boy from those of his age, what was his goal in life? To become a mobster, he said to himself that he would be the greatest of all. In what was the block from his house, he lived surrounded by Italian-Americans, a family, which was in charge of the capo Paulie Cicero, and in which the activity in which they developed was the smuggling of items that were stolen, bets, protection, in short there were several. But there is a particular scene, the one at the beginning, and that is where the story begins to unfold. Henry started out as an errand boy, serving drinks, accommodating cars, running errands, until one day in particular, he was arrested, but he did not get older, since in a blip, he had regained his freedom. In this way, he gained acceptance in the group, as if he were one of them.On the other hand, it shows us another great capo, called Jimmy The Gent Conway, who, together with Tommy DeVito, a guy with a very rapturous temperament, thus coming to use his weapon without thinking about the situation, is already beginning to develop as an adult, thus forming a trio for others characteristic. All of this and each of the scenarios unfolds over the course of about three decades. It shows us the peak, such as power, money, women, fame, but also decadence. Once you are up, the time will come for a resounding fall. Goodfellas portrays the gangster genre due to the fact that it shows how the character has the desire of going up in society by the wrong means. Also, the mise-en-scene in the piece shows the colors and lightning with the addition of the formal clothing and the makeup. To close up, there is a quantity of close up shots that really show the feeling of the characters after they have done a wrongdoing.


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